Jon, whilst working for Allaire I handled several Spectra projects for
clients I found it to be an amazing product which in many ways was under
priced (in comparison to way over-priced products-services like Broadvision,
Vignette etc).  The pricing point for Spectra seemed to generate an aura of
disbelief that it could not be a serious content-management product in
comparison, which it was and is. Spectra is a little tricky to set up mainly
due to Advanced Security which as I mentioned in a previous thread has now
been re written if you do not want to use Siteminder.  If you do not have it
here is the url for the Spectra Community Source Project. 

Mike Brunt
Sempra Energy

"My software never has bugs. It just develops random features." 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 4:53 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CF or Spectra vs. Broadvision

I don't know why any programmer would choose Broadvision. It seems like 
one of those way overpriced products that is usually sold to the exec's 
not IT departments. I dont have any real  experience with Broadvision 
though, but this guy definately has an opinion. Perhaps you could shoot 
an email off to him for details.


John Allred wrote:

>I have a new job in the Operations division of a large corporation.
>Prior to my arrival, my group developed thousands of static pages for
>store managers and district managers using Dreamweaver. We are the
>conduit for directions coming out of the corporate office, and the
>corporation decided within the last year to personalize the content,
>based on job description. The idea was to simplify very complex pages
>(suffering extreme information overload) into channels, where people see
>what they need to see, without the clutter. District Managers should be
>able to view the pages their store managers and the stores' department
>managers see. In Operations, we should be able to create content and
>specify who sees it and for how long.
>The IT department was asked to come up with a solution over a year ago.
>They waited till almost the last minute, and they're now telling us that
>they've selected Broadvision. They also tell us that they can't
>implement our designs (which we think are very effective, BTW). I know
>nothing of Broadvision, so I don't know whether the problem lies with
>Broadvision or their limited understanding of its capabilities.
>Having said all that, I know that with a small group of CF programmers,
>it would be possible to do this project right, with all of the features
>we're being told can't be done by the IT folks.
>Could any of you with Broadvision knowledge or experience offer some
>insights on this situation? This is an intranet that handles above a
>million hits a day. Is Broadvision the tool? Or is there good info out
>there that I could use to influence management on my side of the fence?
>Is Spectra a viable alternative to Broadvision? Sorry. I don't know
>which specific Broadvision product they're using.

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