Actually, the real solution is to not use shared file base databases on live
Web sites. I know Access is cheap and easy, I know all the compelling
reasons to use it, but:
 - administration and updates is a pain
 - the data file is highly susceptible to corruption
 - the data file is likely to be stolen too

Access (and any other files based DBMS') were never designed for Web use,
and really should not be used there.

The tough part is explaining that to your client. If you need help
convincing him, there is a column I wrote on this (title is "Access Denied")

--- Ben

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Stevenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 4:13 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Disconnecting Data Sources for Upload?

This is a bit of a bubblegum solution, but you can have your client run a
lock killing query just prior to upload.  Just setup a quesry that they can
navigate to in their browser (I call it qLockKiller.cfm).  The SQL should be
something like "SELECT something FROM nothing".  That will cause a db error
and unlock Access (remove the .ldb file).  Sometimes the query needs to be
run afew times.  I'd suggest doing this at non-peak times as somebody could
hit the db again in the time it takes to fire up the FTP and send up the db.

All that said...clients should not mess with uploading databases over top
live ones...transaction will inevitably happen between the download and
upload and thus data will be lost.

Best solution is to set CF admin to only allow SELECT statements durring
this process so no data can be altered.  Of course this requires access to
CF admin which is not always easy if hosted in a shared environment.


Bryan Stevenson
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
p. 250.920.8830
Allaire Alliance Partner

----- Original Message -----
From: "John McKown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 12:36 PM
Subject: Disconnecting Data Sources for Upload?

> Customer has Access database that he uploads to CF Server via FTP.
> Access database is a datasource for his site.
> When site is being viewed, he cannot upload a newer copy of the database
> because the file is locked.
> Any creative solutions besides "disconnect the datasource"?
> John McKown, President
> Delaware.Net, Inc.
> 28 Old Rudnick Lane
> Dover, DE 19901
> phone: 302-736-5515
> toll free: 888-432-7965
> fax: 302-736-5945
> cell: 302-363-0071
> icq: 1812513

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