Re: How do you concatenate 2 string variables into one with a space in the middle
i.e. (area code) and (telephone number) - such as 858 & 999 9999 into 858 999 9999 to be inserted into one field in a database. Here's how I wrote the code thus far: Variable 1: <cfparam name="areacode" default="#BusphoneArea#"> Variable 2: <cfparam name="telnum" default="#Busphone#"> Then I try to concatenate em as follows, and find I have not only not succeeded but have in fact arrived at a place of dismal failure. <cfparam name="cust_tel_num" default=#areacode# & " " & #telnum#> Appreciate any insights. Cheers aye, Pardee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get the mailserver that powers this list at FAQ: Archives: Unsubscribe: