Hi Justin,

This sounds really interesting. Can you point me to a
reference where I can learn how to build an apache
module like the one you made?

--- Justin Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> We created an apache module for doing this.  We
> intecept the .CFM request,
> check if it is the <CFCONTENT> page and if not, pass
> the request to Cold
> Fusion, if so, we handle the user authentication and
> return of data in the
> module.  This allowed us the flexibility of building
> in Cold Fusion with the
> performance of using a C++ module when we needed the
> speed.  Our throughput,
> including a single database call, went from about 23
> connections/sec in CF
> to 160 connections/sec with the module.
> Justin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Janine Jakim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 4:36 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: CFContent (and other options)
> What do you use instead?  I've been doing some
> testing with the different
> tags and this is what I came up with:
> meta tag is very difficult to backup from.  The
> users look/print the pdf
> then have to double click the back button.  And
> after making a few reports
> the thing locks up/won't back up and they have to
> log in again.
> <embed> works great on the PC, but not for the mac
> or on our wireless.  On
> the mac you can't read the pdf in the browser and
> then it prints out funny
> (ie: losing it's landscape formatting). Also it
> wouldn't pull up the bulk
> pdfs (over 20pgs)just the individual ones (we're
> doing report cards-it'll
> pull up individual ones but not for a whole class).
> It doesn't work on the
> wireless either.
> <cfcontent> works on almost everything, but the
> wireless and the few
> machines. On the wireless we get a msg about the
> index24  
> What's the better thing to use
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 4:09 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: CFContent
> I've run into the same problem and oddly enough, it
> was with a 98
> machine. My solution, and I don't know if this is
> the right answer but
> it worked, I told the user to uninstall their
> current version of Acrobat
> Reader and re-install Acrobat Reader 5. This worked
> for anyone who had
> the problem. I've since gone away from cfcontent as
> I experienced
> inconsistent results with that bastard of a tag.
> Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Janine Jakim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 4:00 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CFContent
> I'm using CFCONTENT to call a pdf form- It does fine
> on MAC IE and most
> pc
> IE and Netscape.
> However, on one browser a 98 machine with IE5.5 I
> can't get the pdf to
> show.
> Instead there is the box and the msg says Error
> Locating Object Handler
> There is no viewer available for the type of object
> you are trying to
> open.
> The following informantion is available about this
> object.
> Address:  http://blahblah
> Content type:  text/html
> Possible location of viewer: Microsoft
> ActiveXGallery
> I took the Ben Forta advice and checked the Folder
> Options in Tools of
> Windows Explorer.  I went over it piece by piece
> comparing it to the
> settings of a browser that worked- I didn't see any
> differences.
> This browser has opened pdfs when I used the meta
> tag and the embed tag
> so I
> know that it does open pdfs...any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance,
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