I just took a look at that tag for the first time this morning.. looks very

Wouldn't you want to use the XML2CF action to convert the XML to a CF
structure and then just CFLOOP through the first three keys?

(well... it is still early here..)

> >> support for soXML can be found at http://forums.siteobjects.com
> I'll post one more time here and then try to liven up that forum. :grin:
> >> hth, if it doesn't we need to see your code.
> Well I wasn't able to get the result I wanted so I will post the example
> here. Thanks.
> Here is the XML file called "bristol_night_short.xml"
> =====================================================
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <tracks>
> <track name="Bristol_Night">
> <TrackDescriptor>
> <segmentcount>4</segmentcount>
> <night>0</night>
> </TrackDescriptor>
> <TrackDescriptor>
> <segmentcount>6</segmentcount>
> <night>1</night>
> </TrackDescriptor>
> <TrackDescriptor>
> <segmentcount>8</segmentcount>
> <night>0</night>
> </TrackDescriptor>
> </track>
> <track name="Atlanta">
> <TrackDescriptor>
> <segmentcount>7</segmentcount>
> <night>1</night>
> </TrackDescriptor>
> <TrackDescriptor>
> <segmentcount>9</segmentcount>
> <night>0</night>
> </TrackDescriptor>
> <TrackDescriptor>
> <segmentcount>11</segmentcount>
> <night>1</night>
> </TrackDescriptor>
> </track>
> </tracks>
> =====================================================
> here is the CF code, this assumes that you are using
> soxml. If you are not then just replace the header
> with a cfobject create for Microsft.XMLDOM
> =====================================================
> <cf_SOXML
>   action="XML2DOM"
>   input="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\n50_parse\bristol_night_short.xml"
>   output="oDOM"
>   type="file"
> >
> <cfoutput>
> <cfset colTrack = oDOM.getElementsByTagName("track")>
> <cfloop collection="#colTrack#" item="track">
> <cfset trackName = track.getAttributeNode("name")>
> #trackName.Text#<br>
> <cfset colTrackDescriptor =
> oDOM.getElementsByTagName("TrackDescriptor")>
> <cfloop collection="#colTrackDescriptor#" item="TD">
> <cfset segmentcount =
> TD.selectSingleNode("segmentcount")>
> <cfset night = TD.selectSingleNode("night")>
> &gt;#segmentcount.Text#&nbsp;:&nbsp;#night.Text#<br>
> </cfloop>
> </cfloop>
> </cfoutput>
> =====================================================
> This code return the following
> Bristol_Night
> >4 : 0
> >6 : 1
> >8 : 0
> >7 : 1
> >9 : 0
> >11 : 1
> Atlanta
> >4 : 0
> >6 : 1
> >8 : 0
> >7 : 1
> >9 : 0
> >11 : 1
> What I want to see is
> Bristol_Night
> >4 : 0
> >6 : 1
> >8 : 0
> Atlanta
> >7 : 1
> >9 : 0
> >11 : 1
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks, Fred
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