Hmmm...  Thanks for all the help everyone...

I guess I'll just have to decide the lesser of the two "evils".  =)

I'm surprised that ColdFusion server doesn't have a way to handle multiple
sites.  Does anyone know if there is going to be any support for this in
future editions?

Thanks again everyone!

---Les Buchanan

-----Original Message-----
From: Tangorre, Michael T. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 11:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Multiple sites...

Hi Les,

I do all my mapping stuff in the application.cfm file. That way, when you
move things over, you just change a few lines in the application.cfm file.
I set imagepath, DSN, homepath, and a few others... Makes things go real
smnooth when moving over.


-----Original Message-----
From: Les Buchanan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 1:17 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Multiple sites...


I'm new on the list and to ColdFusion in general, so take it easy on me.

I would like to have two (or more) sites on my NT box, one for staging, and
one for production.  For example, I'd like to have a website
( that I do all my pre-production work in, and
then when I'm finished, simply copy everything over to a different
directory, that would be my production site (

This is very simple to do with say, ASP, but I have found difficulty in
getting this to work with ColdFusion.  When you're trying to cfinclude
templates, it won't include from the proper directory, without creating
mappings in the ColdFusion administrator, and then using a variable to store
that mapping.

My co-worker introduced my to ColdFusion, and I think it's a GREAT product,
but the inability to do this has frustrated me.  Maybe I'm approaching this
the wrong way.  I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me with this.

---Les Buchanan
Newbie ColdFusion Developer

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