For whatever its worth, try checking your indexes and their names. We had 
some weird behavior that was fixed by renaming some of the index files.

At 01:03 PM 1/22/02 -0600, you wrote:
>due to forces beyond my control, we are stuck with ODBC.
>I've updated the MDAC to 2.6 SP1 and it updated the SQLserver ODBC driver,
>but the same query still pegs the CF server to 100% CPU. I have pasted the
>query into it's own CF template, and I'm calling it directly - there is
>nothing in application.cfm. This is crazy, all this time I've heard people
>with this dreaded issue, never thinking it would happen to one of my boxes,
>and now it has. The weird thing is, I've got larger, much more complex
>queries that are running just fine. I've done a lot of snooping around the
>"macromedia forums", and found a few tips regarding mail spool files, and
>other things - nothing has helped.
>I doubt anyone has the definitive answer, otherwise there wouldn't be so
>many posts in the forum about this and it would have been fixed a few
>releases back when it was first discovered. I am just at my last resorts
>here and was hoping that SOMEBODY can offer a fix.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Steve Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 11:40 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: sql 7 MDAC
>Have you tried using OLE DB or a Dynamic query with a connection string?
>steve oliver
>cresco technologies, inc.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Cantrell, Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 12:27 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: sql 7 MDAC
>Hi there, has anyone researched which ODBC driver is most stable with CF
>5 and MSSQL 7? We are currently running the SQLserver driver
>and this query will crash CF to 100% CPU every time I run it:
><CFQUERY datasource="#request.mainDSN#" Name="ViewAssignment">
>         SELECT
>                 ASSIGNMENTS.num_contentid AS contentid,
>                 ASSIGNMENTS.dat_start AS dat_start,
>                 ASSIGNMENTS.dat_due AS dat_due,
>                 ASSIGNMENTS.bit_complete AS bit_complete,
>                 ASSIGNMENTS.txt_description AS txt_description,
>                 CONTENT.contenttitle AS title,
>                 CONTENT.editable AS editable
>         WHERE
>                 ASSIGNMENTS.num_contentid = CONTENT.contentid AND
>                 ASSIGNMENTS.num_contentid = #attributes.contentid#
>         ORDER BY ASSIGNMENTS.dat_due
>I'm not exactly sure which MDAC is installed. Is it advisable to update
>to the most recent MDAC even though we're not running SQL 2000 yet? I
>noticed on this site, that the MDAC is up to 2.7 -
>Thanks for any of your help.
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