Forget about using CF to read a file that big unless you've got a lot of
memory in the server.  If CF is your only tool for actually getting the data
into your database, you might use something like Perl to first break the
file up into many smaller files, then run those through CF.  If you're a bit
more proficient at Perl, just use Perl to read the file and insert the data
in the db and be done with it.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Giminez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 5:09 PM
Subject: extracting data from a huge text file

> I'm trying to retrieve data and put it into a database from a text file.
> The text file is over 100MB with  (I'm guessing) around 260,000 records,
each record contains 85
> fields.
> I tried to create a conditional loop at each line break, which works fine
if I am working on a
> smaller version of the file, but chokes on the 100MB monster. Is there a
more efficient way to deal
> with this other than looping through it or is there a way to break this
file up into smaller chunks
> and deal with it piece by piece?

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