This is frustrating. I am checking to make sure a value is numeric. when I use NOt isnumeric it runs through the query and it accepts letters. If I take it away it won't go through the query. Almost like its backwards. Plus it thinks of numbers and letters are the same. Am I doing something wrong?
<CFSET STEP = '1'> <CFLOOP INDEX="ITEMINDEX" LIST="#LIST_Q#"> <CFSET T = #LISTGETAT(q, variables.step)#> <CFIF not isNumeric('t') > <CFQUERY NAME="U_CART" DATASOURCE="xxxx"> <CFIF #LISTGETAT(q, variables.step)# IS 0> DELETE FROM tblshopping_cart WHERE SHOPPING_IDNUMBER_S = #ITEMINDEX# <CFELSE> UPDATE tblshopping_cart SET QUANTITY_S = '#LISTGETAT(Q, variables.STEP)#' WHERE SHOPPING_IDNUMBER_S = #ITEMINDEX# </CFIF> </CFQUERY> <CFELSE> <CFLOCATION URL="somewhere.cfm" ADDTOKEN="NO"> </CFIF> <CFSET STEP = '#STEP#' + 1> </CFLOOP> ______________________________________________________________________ Why Share? Dedicated Win 2000 Server · PIII 800 / 256 MB RAM / 40 GB HD / 20 GB MO/XFER Instant Activation · $99/Month · Free Setup FAQ: Archives: Unsubscribe: