bruce, looks to me like you're overcomplicating your query. if you're trying to retrieve records in the classes table where id = #form.classsel# your query would be "select * from classes where id = #form.classsel#". i don't really understand why you need the date comparison, so maybe i'm missing something. btw, you insert odbc access dates like this: "insert into classes (classdate) values (#createodbcdate(createdate(2002,02,06))#)" and output them like this: #dateformat(query_name.classdate,"mmmm d, yyyy")#.
hth --dina ----- Original Message ----- From: Bruce Holm To: CF-Talk Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 11:57 AM Subject: Formatting a Date in MS SQL Access Query...Try Again I'm trying to format a date within a SQL query against an Access database. In Oracle you can say TO_DATE(date,mask) but that function doesn't exist in Access. What function is there in Access to do this? Here is the query that doesn't work: <cfquery datasource="abb" name="qSelClassInfo"> SELECT * FROM classes WHERE TO_DATE(ClassDate,'mm/dd/yy') = TO_DATE(( SELECT ClassDate FROM classes WHERE id=#Form.ClassSel#),'mm/dd/yy') </cfquery> Note that Access stores date and time info in the same field. So I'm trying to compare just the date portion since several classes can occur on the same day. ------------------------------------------------- Bruce Holm - Web Programmer Lattice Semiconductor Corp. [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________________ Get Your Own Dedicated Windows 2000 Server PIII 800 / 256 MB RAM / 40 GB HD / 20 GB MO/XFER Instant Activation · $99/Month · Free Setup FAQ: Archives: Unsubscribe: