Hi Scott,

You problem doesn't appear to be a frame not loading correctly.  It's more
of a variable loading issue.  I'm assuming your movie is going to the
targetted frame before your variables have fully loaded.  A good practice
might be to use the onClipEvent(data) event that will wait until your
variables are loaded and then call your function.  Another practice that you
can use is to load your variables as in your aarons_variables.cfm template
and append loaded=1 to the end of your query string.  Then in Flash you can
load in Frame 1 and do the following:

Frame 1:
// load variables

Frame 2:
// blank frame

Frame 3:
// if (loaded==1) {
} else {

This will loop between frames 2 and 3 until your variables are loaded.  When
the variables are fully loaded the timeline will be sent to frame 4.  I hope
this makes sense and feel free to email me if you have any futher questions.
Also, you might want to check out the FlashCFM mailing list that covers
Flash/CF integration: www.flashcfm.com/mailing_list.cfm.


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Brady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 4:31 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: One more CF/Flash integration question

OK, this may not actually be CF related, so if it's off-topic, let me know.

In the Flash file I was having NS problems with before, after I read in the
variables, I have the movie jump to a specific frame (dependent on what the
fileName variable is).

However, sometimes, it APPEARS that it's trying to go to a frame before a
frame is loaded.  I've tried doing a preload procedure (basically, do a loop
in the action script that runs until _framesLoaded == _totalFrames), but
that doesn't seem to do it.

As an example, go to http://www.scottbrady.net/mountain_spas/  and click on
"Covers".  There should be 7 menu choices after you click on Covers (and the
logo should be complete).  However, often, there are only 5 (which is how
many menu choices there are on the initial screen). If you hit refresh, it
should show all 7 choices (the last one is "Shipping").

Is this probably a "preloading" problem?

Scott Brady

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