Hey guys, thanks for your help:) Creating the logic in the WHERE section
solved the problem. Again, thanks a lot:)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bryan Love" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 1:50 PM
Subject: RE: How do u add colums in SQL query and do a WHERE on the new co

> I assume that past_due_30 must have a value if past_due_60 has a
> value...
> SELECT first_name, email_address, customer_number, total_due,
> (past_due_30 + past_due_60 + past_due_90 + past_due_120) AS
> totaloutstanding
> FROM accountsreceivable
> WHERE past_due_30 > 0
> or if pst_due_30 is nullable...
> WHERE past_due_30 IS NOT NULL
> or if past_due_30 doesn't have to have have a value for past_due_60 to
> have
> a value...
> WHERE past_due_30 + past_due_60 + past_due_90 + past_due_120 > 0
> +-----------------------------------------------+
> Bryan Love
>   Macromedia Certified Professional
>   Internet Application Developer
>   Database Analyst
> Telecommunication Systems
> +-----------------------------------------------+
> "...'If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may
> have
> peace'..."
> - Thomas Paine, The American Crisis
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 1:43 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: How do u add colums in SQL query and do a WHERE on the new
> column
> Was wondering if anyone knows how to add up 4 columns in a query, give
> the
> result a new column name, and then use that new column name in the
> part of the query.
> Situation is where some customers are 30, 60, 90 or 120 past due. So
> I'm
> trying to add up the 30,60,90,120 column totals and save the result as
> a new
> column called TOTALOUTSTANDING
> Then we want to send emails to anyone where TOTALOUTSTANDING > 5
> (where
> the total outstanding is more than $5)
> I tried this script, but the dang thing never worked:(
> <CFQUERY NAME="pastduenotice" DATASOURCE="customers">
> SELECT first_name, email_address, customer_number, total_due,
> (past_due_30)
> + (past_due_60) + (past_due_90) + (past_due_120) AS totaloutstanding
> FROM accountsreceivable
> where totaloutstanding > 0
> Appreciate any enlightenment on this one:)
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