I've faced this before and I usually use cflock to prevent 2 users from 
inserting the record at the same time.

> Sorry to ask but I have a dead brain right now. (I hate it when I feel
> dumb.)
> X¿x
> ~~~
> I need to check the database to see if a record is there. 
> If it's there then increment it by one, otherwise add the record. 
> If two people hit it at the right time I may get two records. What 
> should I
> do to prevent this? 
> This is what the code would look like.
> <cfquery name="stat_check" datasource="#application.datasource#">
>     select * from bbstat where id = #id# and buildtime = #buildtime#
> </cfquery>
> <cfif stat_check.RecordCount eq 1>
>     <cfset buildcount = IncrementValue(buildcount)>
>     <cfquery name="increment" datasource="#application.datasource#">
>         update bbstat
>         set buildcount=#IncrementValue(buildcount)#
>         where id=#id#
>     </cfquery>
> <cfelse>
>     <cfquery name="add" datasource="#application.datasource#">
>         insert into bbstat 
>         (id,buildcount) 
>         values (#id#,1)
>     </cfquery>
> </cfif> 
> Phillip Broussard
> Tracker Marine Group
> 417-873-5957

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