
    I think that ColdFusion server does not have the Month function
implemented in it's SQL processor (because the query get's processed by CF
and never goes to your database server). When you put the pound signs around
Month then CF treats it like a function and evaluates it's result once
before he sends the resulted text to the SQL processing part.

    One solution will be that you go throught the query by hand (with
query_name.query_field[Row]) and construct the result query.


----- Original Message -----
Newsgroups: cf-talk
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 11:48 AM
Subject: Query a query by months

> I am trying to query a query and process the records
> by month.  My code is:
> <cfloop index="cnt" to="12" from="1">
> <cfset QAvg = 0><cfset QAvgFinal = 0><cfset AvgCnt =
> 0><cfset tcnt = 0>
> <cfquery name="qGetRecords" dbtype="query">
> FROM qGetResults
> WHERE (Month(qGetResults.Rundate) = #cnt#)
> </cfquery>
> <cfloop query="qGetRecords">
> <cfinclude template="GetClassPlacement.cfm">
> </cfloop>
> My problems are with the WHERE statement.  If I do
> WHERE #Month(qGetResults.RunDate)# = #cnt#, it
> interprets the data as a variable (1 = 1, 1 = 2, etc)
> and retirns all records when true (1 = 1).  If I leave
> the pound signs off, I get errors.

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