Hello all

We are trying to stand up a new web server with CF5/IIS5/WIN2K

During the process of locking the server permissions/users down.  We deleted
the IWAM_servername and set up another account with the permissions we
thought were needed.

WE reviewed all the mapped directories/sites in IIS and changed the log on
to the new account and reviewed all the services to also make sure the old
account was not in use.

But we are still getting the error that the old account is trying to long on
and for obvious reasons is being denied access.   We re-reviewed everything
again and can find what is trying to log on using this account.  The error
acures with any site we try to run.

part of the error is access is being denied to "/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT", which
should be the mapping to the first IIS web site or "/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/CFIDE?
which would be the mapping to coldfusion admin.

Can anyone think of a "hidden" or hard to find service or object that might
be trying to use this The old IWAM account.

THanks for any help
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