CF + FLASH would/could work in theory - the "visual" system would have to
have symbols (flash term) for each character/symbol you needed (perhaps with
a scrolling up/down sort of fly-wheel system of choosing them) - which could
then be "dragged and dropped" onto a "math page" - this would trigger an
event that would append the associated character/symbol to each symbol into
a variable - this variable string (xml string) could be added to and
subtracted from (with an eraser tool that would "undo" the last move) -
which in turn would be stored to a file/database when the equation if

Things to look out for would be translation of special characters/symbols
(e.g. *,%,{,[ etc) as this would effect the ActiveScript (AS) - so perhaps a
codex that used a number based system that could be translated from the
xml/data string on saving the equation.

Secondly you would have to work it so that "picking up" a symbol and
dropping it on the "math page" would trigger a one off event - if the very
same symbol was then picked again and moved around the page then dropped
again this should not trigger the character/symbol appending function.  Also
is a similar symbol (another "x" for example) was then picked up and dropped
on the "math page" the AS would have to realise this.

Thirdly you would not be able to "save" the visual product though - with the
placement of all the symbols on the "maths page" so that when a user came
back they would have to re-build each equation - unless another complex
logic was used in creating both x,y co-ordinates and saved these too in an
array.... Getting complex now...

What you are talking about here is a very complex integration system -
perhaps a java applet may be better... 

Interesting concept tho.

Good luck


-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Stevenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 19:40
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Visual Equation Building

Yup...that's along the lines of what I'm after (and I've thought of
something along those lines), but I'm not sure if it will be user friendly
enough.  Any other thoughts folks?  mabye CF and Flash?

Bryan Stevenson
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
p. 250.920.8830
Macromedia Associate Partner
Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
Founder & Director

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 10:27 AM
Subject: RE: Visual Equation Building

> What about two select boxes, one containing a list of fields, and one 
> containing operators.
> Use the onChange event to fire off some Javascript to concatenate each 
> building block to the current equation.  Then have the javascript put 
> the updated equation to a textarea or something like that.  Behind the
> scenes
> you can track the IDs in a variable and put it in a database when the
> user
> is done (maybe a button to click).
> Does that sound like what you are looking for?
> Kathryn Butterly
> Web Developer
> Washington Mutual Finance
> 813 632-4490
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bryan Stevenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 1:26 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Visual Equation Building
> Hey All,
> OK I'll do my bets to explain what I'm trying to accomplish:
> I want to build a tool that allows the user to visually build an 
> equation. The building blocks for
> the equation are essentially fields in a database.  I'd like to display
> these "building blocks" in a
> list and give the user the ability to pass them into a workspace on the
> page
> that will hold the
> equation.  Ideally I'd like to allow the user to drag and drop the
> "building
> blocks" into the
> workspace, but I suppose passing them via a link and some JavaScript
> would
> suffice.  I also need to
> give the user a way of passing operators (+,-,*,/,[,]) to the workspace
> to
> help build the equation.
> Another hook is that I need to ultimately store the IDs of the records 
> of the building blocks when I
> store the finished equation.
> I have some ideas, but I thought before I head down those paths, I'd 
> see if anyone else had any
> input.
> Thanks in advance for any comments/help/hysterical laughter ;-)
> Bryan Stevenson
> VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
> Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
> p. 250.920.8830
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Macromedia Associate Partner
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
> Founder & Director

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