> Hi all...I just attempted to upgrade a CF 4.5 server 
> to CF 5, and got a slew of errors stating that "ordinal 
> 259 could not be located in dynamic link library 
> SHSMP.DLL". Any thoughts on what caused this and 
> what I can do to rectify the situation?

That's the SmartHeap DLL, which CF uses to manage memory, as Howie noted.
You might want to make sure you've turned off CF 4.5 before attempting the
upgrade. You might also want to make sure you don't have any conflicting
versions. In addition to searching for SHSMP.DLL, you might also search for
SHW32.DLL, which is another name for the library (I suppose that's the
non-SMP version of it). If you've installed any other applications
(services, typically, I'd guess) which might use this, they may have
installed a different version.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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