Sorry if my original message is hard to get, just try running this code in a
test page.  Are the results as expected?
What's wrong here?

<cfset codes="siteMinute,siteNews,site,siteSpin,mi,os,ol,mn,siteHome">

<cfset Vehicles="siteMinute,siteNews,siteSpin">

<cfloop list="#codes#" index="i">
        <cfoutput><input class=text type="checkbox" name="#i#"
        <cfif ListContains("#Vehicles#", "#i#")>checked</cfif>>

Mark Kecko
The Computer Guy
MediaPost Communications
(203)222-0330 ext309

"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality."
Jules de Gaultier

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark M. Kecko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 12:32 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: ListContains NOT functioning properly - Help!


When I'm looping over a list Campaign.Vehicles that's coming from a SQL
table varchar field I'm getting strange results from ListContains.

Looping over Vehicles.code=
"siteMinute,siteNews,site,siteSpin,mi,os,ol,mn,siteHome" - several rows from
a database call.

Campaign.Vehicles="siteMinute,siteNews,site,siteSpin" - a 'static' database

When Vehicles.code = "SiteSpin" the below
"ListContains("#Campaign.Vehicles#", "#Vehicles.Code#")" returns 4.

<cfloop query="Vehicles">
        <input class=text type="checkbox" name="#Vehicles.Code#"
        <cfif ListContains("#Campaign.Vehicles#",

Actual output to screen from testing:
Campaign.Vehicles: siteMinute,siteNews,site,siteSpin
Vehicles.Code: siteSpin
ListContains - 4

As far as I can see from the output above siteSpin is only in the list
Campaign.Vehicles once.  Can anybody see something I can't.  I've tried
specifying the delimiter as a comma, changing the delimiter to a ~, setting
the database field to a variable, changing the delimiters of that variable
and I've tried all of those things with ListContainsNoCase as well. I've
even tried changing the datatype of my SQL database field to nvarchar, ntext
etc! Please help, this is holding up a very profitable ad campaign from
being served on my site!

Mark Kecko
The Computer Guy
MediaPost Communications
(203)222-0330 ext309

"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality."
Jules de Gaultier

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