Oracle does the same thing in VB applications. We have always had to trim
our variables to get rid of the excess spaces....

Doubt that helped ya any....

Shawn Grover

-----Original Message-----
From: freddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 1:25 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: [OT] Re: VTML Builder

I already get a ton of spam...I don't like it so I delete it.  And also I do
not mind  filling out forms writing, or
deleting emails. Besides it seems I get so many more responses to any
criticism I make on this list than I do to any of
the questions I have needed answered so I thought I'd do it again :-)
I am still waiting for a single response to my question about char fields
returned via stored procedures in oracle being
padded to a length of 255 and whether it is a bug or there is a way around
Thanks in advance...

Gyrus wrote:

> > What difference does it make? If you want it fill out the info...
> > it is faster than writing an email to complain about it.
> Maybe I'm being too cynical, but to me *spam* makes the
> difference. I was just looking for some assurance that the
> download is actually *free*, and not paid for by allowing
> the people you give your info to to sell that info on for
> marketing (I couldn't see any assurance on the site).
> BTW, it would have been faster for you to not criticise
> my questioning than to do so (nod to Bill Hicks ;)
> - Gyrus
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> work:
> play:
> - PGP key available
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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