I'm looking for more information about using <CFTransaction>.
My personal opinion is that it's better to use SQL Server transactions
within our stored procedures (cuz we are using SQL 2000 as our back end),
and transfer as much business logic as possible to the stored procs.

However, in a few cases, we've seen the requirement for something like this:

<cftransaction action="BEGIN">
        <cfif somecondition>

My concerns are that this may cause problems if the stored procedures
themselves contain transaction processing.  And I need to make a
recommendation based on solid information on whether to allow this process,
or force the developers to take the time to wrap this logic within one
stored proc call.  (of course, they can call existing stored procs from
within a stored procedure, and check the return codes to determine if a
rollback needs to happen before processing is complete).

So, any suggestions?  Thanks in advance.

Shawn Grover

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