In my experience, this would be better done in a single stored procedure
call (which would then call any other required stored procs).  SQL Server
supports nested transactions, so each of your 'child' stored procs can also
use transactions if required.

If you are writing this from scratch, put as much logic as you can into the
stored procs (afterall, the database server is meant to handle data for you,
whereas your web server is meant to present web pages).

As for CFTRANSACTION, we are unclear on how it could handle a rollback if
you have stored procs within it that have committed their SQL Transactions.

Until I hear more, I'm recommending to my team to NOT use CFTransaction for
that reason.  The data for our current app is critical, and we have to stick
with methods we know to work well.

Let me know if you hear any more on this.  I'm not getting the impression
that I'll see lots on this from the list.

Shawn Grover

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 5:48 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFTransactions and SQL Transactions?


I don't have an answer but am anxiously awaiting one.

I have a case where in order to get some records into our SQL database I
execute a SP to enter a blank record and then call several SP's to update
different fields in the record with values.  I need to wrap this in a
<cftransaction> and am just trying to gather some more information before
doing it.


Bill Grover
Supervisor MIS                  Phone:  301.424.3300 x3324
EU Services, Inc.               FAX:    301.424.3696
649 North Horners Lane          E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rockville, MD 20850-1299        WWW:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 3:03 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CFTransactions and SQL Transactions?
> This is a repost cuz I think I got lost in the shuffle on
> Friday, and no-one
> has responed yet.
> TIA.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 9:54 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CFTransactions and SQL Transactions?
> I'm looking for more information about using <CFTransaction>.
> My personal opinion is that it's better to use SQL Server transactions
> within our stored procedures (cuz we are using SQL 2000 as
> our back end),
> and transfer as much business logic as possible to the stored procs.
> However, in a few cases, we've seen the requirement for
> something like this:
> <cftransaction action="BEGIN">
>       <cfstoredproc></cfstoredproc>
>       <cfif somecondition>
>               <cfstoredproc></cfstoredproc>
>       <cfelse>
>               <cfstoredproc></cfstoredproc>
>       </cfif>
> </cftransaction>
> My concerns are that this may cause problems if the stored procedures
> themselves contain transaction processing.  And I need to make a
> recommendation based on solid information on whether to allow
> this process,
> or force the developers to take the time to wrap this logic within one
> stored proc call.  (of course, they can call existing stored
> procs from
> within a stored procedure, and check the return codes to
> determine if a
> rollback needs to happen before processing is complete).
> So, any suggestions?  Thanks in advance.
> Shawn Grover

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