actually the error I get is a bit more cryptic than mentioned: Query Manipulation Error Code = 0 Invalid Operator {d
SQL = "select * from photos where datelastmodified between {d '2002-03-12'} and {d '2002-03-19'}" Data Source = "" (note: photos is the cfdirectory generated query) anyone? any ideas? -paris -----Original Message----- From: Paris Lundis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 20:04 To: CF-Talk Subject: CFDIRECTORY and QUERY OF QUERY so we have a client.. simple task it seems... they upload crap to a directory... this directory stores all their crap... the crap needs reviewed by some CF stuff... then we need to have it say, hey you a re a new file and generate maybe something like a report based on date (off of last ran date)... so we approached it as: 1. run CFDIRECTORY 2. QUERY the CFDIRECTORY query... QUERY of a query... 3. Compare ODBCDATE from the query results vs. the ODBCDATE formatted last ran date... then the derived subset can go off and do its magic... seemed logical.. but it just doesn't work.. when trying to compare the LASTMODIFIED date info from CFDIRECTORY to an ODBCDATE formatted date it in essence throws an error saying that the table hasn't been specified.. DUH... cause its a query of a query... anyone else doing anything similar? any recommendations? -paris ______________________________________________________________________ This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for dependable ColdFusion Hosting. FAQ: Archives: Unsubscribe: