The current discussion on locking, and what CF should do vs
what the programmer should do, is really mixing two
different issues.  The concern that most of us have had for
some time is not that we need to do locking to preserve
application data integrity, but that we also need to do
extra locking to preserve CF Server's memory integrity.  The
first is something that I think most of us would prefer to
do ourselves, since we "know better than CF" where our own
apps really need locking.  It's the second case, where we
are forced to lock down everything in sight because if we
don't, then sooner or later the CF Server is going to roll
over because it's memory management has serious problems.

I asked about this specific situation at the open session at
Devcon2001, and Jeremy Allaire answered with the specific
statement that this (the internal memory management locking
problem) was fixed in Neo, and that all we would need to
worry about in the future is locking to preserve our
application's data integrity.

My personal speculation is that the current memory
management code is probably the Three Mile Island part of
the server codebase, and that even though its problems have
been well understood for years, no one has been able to
muster up the courage to try and work on it without having
the entire server go up in a mushroom cloud.  With Neo they
could just abandon it rather than fix it, and so the
problems are taken care of.



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