Sorry I didn't respond immediately- I went home sick yesterday afternoon.
The 2nd example shows the correct person but everyone comes up with the 1st
persons answers.  When I do a regular output each person comes up with the
correct answers--once I add cfset each person receives the answers for the
1st person!
I originally did a join (there are 6 tables making the actual table- 2 of
which are one to many)and used CFPROCRESULT to get the answers.  Again
getting the output format wasn't working correctly when using the cfset-
once I did a cfset it would only give me one page for the results- showing
the first person's name/answers-when I looped it I got many pages- each page
had the 1st persons name/answers.

I then did my stored procedure with 2 queries one pulls all the "one to one"
info and then the second one that pulls the "one to many" info.  I use
several CFPROCRESULT tags to display the info.
Again it displays fine until I add in the cfset tags.  (But when I do the
exact thing as 2 separate cfqueries and use the cfset it works like a

I find this very bizarre.  I have them (cfquery/cfproc) literally set up the
same- they both work fine with a regular cfoutput- add the cfset and
suddenly the stored procedure doesn't put out the info that needs to loop
(ie: the answers)...
Can someone do a small demo and see if they get the same results?
ps. my first cfoutput in my code did use the id as a group-I just forgot to
put that in:

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark A. Kruger - CFG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 1:48 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: cfset/cfstoredproc


I don't think I'm following your example.  What's wrong with the second
example? also, why do you need 2 queries? Why not a join? a join would give
you columns of
name , answer
name, answer,
name, answer
name, answer

ORder by name and make sure there is a PK ... then do this:

<cfoutput query="myQuery" group="name">
#name#  (or <Cfset theName = name > if you like)

        <cfoutput group="PK">
                ... Use the PK to ensure all records are iterated....
        #answer# (or <cfset Answer1 = answer>)



Still... I'm not sure I know exactly what the problem is from the example


************* your example *********************

This is somewhat of a repost from the other day but haven't gotten any
feedback- since I don't think I worded my problem very well.
I am moving some of my work from cfquery to storedprocedures- the problem is
the formatting when I use cfset with a stored procedures- they don't react
the same way as a cfquery does...
I need the info to show as such
1. A
2. B
3. A
1. A
2. A
3. D
1. C
2. A
3. B
To achieve this with cfquery I did this:
<CFSET One=QTwo.Answer[1]>
<CFSET Two=QTwo.Answer[2]>
<CFSET Three=QTwo.Answer[3]>

If I do the same with a stored procedure I end up with
1. A
2. B
3. A
1. A
2. B
3. A
1. A
2. B
3. A

I can't use just a regular output like Ben Forta shows in this CF5 book-I've
tried all his solutions but they all deal with regular outputs(which works
fine with the cfquery and cfstored proc)- I need to use a cfset statement
because each answer needs its own name.
Has anyone run across this?  What's the best solution?

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