Gregory Taylor wrote:
> Jochem,
> If I sound a little confused by your statement, it's because I am. I'm not using a 
>Unix box and telnet is turned off on
> this server.

I was suggesting you can use a telnet client to connect to port 80 of 
your webserver and send some malformed request to reproduce it.

> My biggest question and I think the error message says it all, is whether someone is 
>able to "steal" the data.
> I don't think so, because it's being dumped before it is returned to the user.

It looks like a harmless browser error to me as well.

The presence of a message-body in a request is signaled by the inclusion 
of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header field in the request's 
</quote> RFC 2616, section 4.3
If a browser breaks this rule, i.e. sends a message body but does not 
indicate a content-length or transfer-encoding, I suspect you wil get 
the error you indicated in the CF log.

> Any info on creating the "HTML page" you have would help me close or attempt to trap 
>the suspected user.

If you just want to trap the user it is probably easier to match the CF 
log with the webserver log and get an IP from there.


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