> > > i don't know if that's entirely correct. is ASP more 
> > > efficient at creating/manipulating objects than CF? that's 
> > > all the calls do, at the base level.
> >
> > In general, it's certainly easier to work with COM interfaces 
> > in ASP compared to CF, with all the clunkiness in CFOBJECT.
> i agree.  asp is designed as a COM wrapper.  
> however, i wasn't asking ease of coding.  i was asking 
> efficiency of the scripting engine in regards to 
> instantiating/manipulating objects.
> i'd lean toward ASP being more effient in that regard, as 
> well (after all, it was designed to do that).  i was just 
> asking if anyone had empirical evidence.

Well, I don't know if you can really pry the two apart entirely. I don't
think that CF necessarily marshals objects any worse than ASP does, once
those objects have been instantiated, although the fact that one of the
features of CF 5 was "better handling of COM object threading issues" gives
me pause.

However, if in the process of navigating an object hierarchy I have to
create two references instead of just one, I'd guess that this is less
efficient. If I can't take advantage of all that MTS/COM+ provides to ASP
(such as the ability to mark an ASP script as "transactional" for MTS
purposes), that's probably less efficient. If I can only work with variant
datatypes because of CF's lazy typing, that's probably less efficient too.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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