Hi all,
  this is a bit of a strange request I guess.  I want to parse CFML
files like they were XML files, so that I can access the structure of
the (well formed, no overlapping with html etc) cfml.  For example, so
that I can do something like....

        <CF_PARSECF FILE="mycf.cfm">
        <CFLOOP FROM="1" TO="#parsecf.recordCount#" INDEX="i">
                <CFIF parsecf[i].tag eq "CFCASE">
                        I just saw a cfcase, it's value was
<CFOUTPUT>#parsecf[i].value#</CFOUTPUT> and the content of this cfcase
is <CFOUTPUT>#parsecf[i].contents#</CFOUTPUT>...
                        <CFLOOP FROM="1" TO="#parsecf[i].parsecf.recordcount#" 
                                ..... etc .....

has anybody done anything like this ??

James Sleeman

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