ODS' iMS Mail server has a bundled CFX_iMSMail tag which is a vast
improvement over CFMail.  I haven't encountered the types of problems you're
describing at all, and I've been using iMS for about two years now.

Howie Hamlin (from ODS) can probably speak more on this, but check out iMS
at http://www.coolfusion.com.

Kevin Langevin
Flying Chimp Media

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Trey Rouse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 1:30 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Multiple CFMail Problem
> We experienced this problem with all versions of 4.5.  Allaire never did
> 'fix' the error.  They claimed it was fixed in 4.5.1, however it still
> existed, just wasn't as persistent as earlier versions.
> Our own diagnosis determined that the cause of the error was the
> cfmail.dll(I forget the actual name of the DLL) was trying to write two
> files at the same time. Or perhaps more correctly, it would attempt to
> write the second file before the first was closed.  We would typically
> end up with 0k files in the undeliverable section.
> Anyway, adding some pause between the cfmails may solve your problem
> provided the site isn't terribly active and there aren't too many
> simultaneous requests to these cfmail calls. We found the size of the
> emails also greatly affected how often this error would occur.  For
> example, if you have a page that sends 4 different emails to 4 different
> contacts at one company and each email contains a 10k attachment, you
> can start to duplicate this bug with some regularity.  Now imagine that
> page being hit every 5 seconds... Now, the speed of your server and file
> system are also going to affect how often this happens.  So, adding
> pauses and using smaller emails MAY solve your problem depends on how
> active your site is.
> Ultimately, our solution was to switch to an alternate means of
> generating email.  We switched to an ASP product that is actually
> multi-threaded unlike Allaire/Macromedias solution.
> For years, I have been suggesting that CF Enterprise be bundled with a
> robust multi-threaded smtp spooler that should be directly tied to the
> application engine.  Enterprise sites that deal with high mail loads
> would benefit from this.  Also, it would add more product disparity
> between pro and ent, something I personally feel is lacking.
> I have not tested these same errors (bugs?) in CF 5.  Perhaps it has
> been corrected, but honestly, if past performance of eliminating mail
> bugs between revisions is any indication, I would suspect they only
> added new and more exciting problems ;)
> Trey Rouse
> Internet Project Coordinator
> Web Services - Rice University
> MS 119 - 713.348.4799
> PS - I love CFM, I just loath CFMAIL.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Willy Ray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 10:43 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Multiple CFMail Problem
> Hey All,
> Here's my situation.  I have an application that generates 3 total
> emails.  User clicks submit, it generates one email, then they're taken
> to another page on which they can submit additional info.  If they do
> this, two more emails are created, one to the person who is gathering
> the info, and another back to the user thanking them for sending
> additional info.
> My problem is, the middle email doesn't always get sent.  I click the
> first submit button, I always get the email, I do the additional info,
> hit submit, and I always get the "thanks for the more info" message, but
> I only get the "additional info" message if I then hit the back button,
> and re-click submit!
> It seems like the time between messages is to short, and I'm getting
> these additional info messages in my undelivrable folder.  How long do I
> need to wait between messages, and what's the best way to accomplish the
> waiting?  two separate templates?
> Help!
> Willy Ray
> -----
> Willy Ray
> Web Applications Developer
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> Westminster College
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