Building a secure access screen to an admin area on a site. I have a login screen on a public template which is then passed to a Cfcheck template. Both of these templates are "controlled" by an application.cfm template. In this CFCheck template, if the Username and Password match what's in a db, the following code is run:
<CFIF GetUser.RecordCount EQ 1> <!--- Lock the Session Variables, and remember user's logged-in status, plus u_ID and First Name, in structure ---> <CFLOCK TIMEOUT="10" THROWONTIMEOUT="No" TYPE="EXCLUSIVE" SCOPE="SESSION"> <CFSET SESSION.Auth = StructNew()> <CFSET SESSION.Auth.IsLoggedIn = "Yes"> <CFSET SESSION.Auth.ContactID = GetUser.U_ID> <CFSET SESSION.Auth.FirstName = GetUser.First_Name> <CFSET SESSION.Auth.LastName = GetUser.Last_Name> </cflock> But, I want to pass the valid user on to a starting page in the admin section, which is "controlled" by a different application.cfm. In this second application.cfm I have the following code: <!--- If user is not logged in, force them to now ---> <CFIF NOT IsDefined("SESSION.Auth.IsLoggedIn")> <CFLOCATION URL="#APPLICATION.webroot#/login/default.cfm?access=Denied" ADDTOKEN="No"> <CFABORT> </CFIF> Thus, the problem, can a Session, which is created in the Cfcheck.cfm template be passed intact to another page, which is controlled by a different application.cfm. Whenever I run the login sequence, and I know it is successful, the second application kicks me back out to the login screen (meaning that its NOT IsDefined). What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Mark ______________________________________________________________________ Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at FAQ: Archives: Unsubscribe: