Looking for ideas here, cuz I'm fresh out.....

Using a SQL Server 2000 database to store the client variables. On my
computer, I can log into our web app, and see NEW record/CFID for me. When I
log out - which is meant to clear/remove the client variables, my record is
deleted - as it should be.

On a different workstation, as a different user we see different behaviour
(only this one workstation).  When logging out, the client variables are
zeroed/set to defaults - whereas the record should be deleted.  When the
user logs in again, they get the same CFID/CFToken, and this record is

In Application.CFM, I convert the CFID and CFToken cookies to be memory
based cookies.  So, if all browsers are closed, and the user then opens a
new browser and tries to login, they should get a different CFID/CFToken.

The workstation in question has IE 5.5, with the latest security patchs.  We
have tried deleting the cookie for our domain as well, with the same

This is getting annoying because the developer will do work, get something
functional on his box, and mark it as done.  Yet when another of us tries to
use the code, it fails - and we've tracked it down to a client variable

Any suggestions?  Thanks in advance.

Shawn Grover

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