In your Component Services Under Adminsitrative Tools, on the right
highlight the Services (local)and it should display a list of all the
services running on your system. Find ColdFusion Graphing Server, ColdFusion
Management Repository Server and  ColdFusion Monitoring Server. Right click
on each one and select Properties, in the menu you should see a drop down
menu and Services Status: Under Status click Stop and then select Disable
from the drop down menu. Do this for each of these services and then test
your system to see if that resolves the error. -Bob

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark M. Kecko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 12:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: ntConsoleJava.e Process

Bob, I found the ntConsoleJava.e process running but I don't know what
service to turn off in order to stop the process.  Please advise.  -mark

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Imperial [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 11:26 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Server Logging Questions

Billy. check your system processes running, we've had some problems with the
graphing engine eating resources. In the the system processes window look
for consolejavaNT I think or something to that effect. If it's there it's
sure to be hogging resource. We jus went into the services control panel and
disabled it, unless of course you're using the graphing features in CF5. Let
me know what you find.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark M. Kecko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 10:45 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Server Logging Questions

Billy, I'm not using Access.  I'm running SQL Server 7 w/ ODBC?

Any body else have any idea what would be causing the log entries included
in the below message? Has Macromedia addressed this issue? -mark

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 5:37 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Server Logging Questions

Typically the result of using Access.  See:

Billy Cravens

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark M. Kecko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 4:30 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF Server Logging Questions


I've got a CF5 Server running on NT4 and it seems as though the CF
is causing the server to crash.  Something is causing 100% processor
which hogs memory and eventually crashes the server.  I've looked for
endless loops and the such in my apps and haven't been able to find any.
These are some entries that I'm concerned about from my SERVER.LOG and
WEBSERVER.LOG log files.  I don't really know what these errors mean or
what's causing them, but I'm hoping that they're related to my problem.
anybody could shed some light on these log entries it would be

-mark kecko

"Error","461","04/18/02","14:19:31",,"Windows NT error number 232
"Error","702","04/18/02","14:19:32",,"Error number 232 occurred while
attempting to write the reply to the web server."
"Error","702","04/18/02","14:19:32",,"Windows NT error number 232
"Error","702","04/18/02","14:19:32",,"Error number 232 occurred
to close connection to web server."
"Error","702","04/18/02","14:19:32",,"Windows NT error number 232
"Error","273","04/18/02","14:19:35",,"Error number 232 occurred
to close connection to web server."
"Error","273","04/18/02","14:19:35",,"Windows NT error number 232
"Error","461","04/18/02","14:19:41",,"Error number 232 occurred while
attempting to write the reply to the web server."
"Error","461","04/18/02","14:19:41",,"Windows NT error number 232
"Error","461","04/18/02","14:19:41",,"Error number 232 occurred
to close connection to web server."
"Error","461","04/18/02","14:19:41",,"Windows NT error number 232
"Error","273","04/18/02","14:20:03",,"Error number 232 occurred
to close connection to web server."
"Error","273","04/18/02","14:20:03",,"Windows NT error number 232

"Error","626","04/18/02","14:16:34",,"Error attempting to write location
redirection to web server (Windows NT error number 16389 occurred)"
"Error","563","04/18/02","14:16:35",,"Error attempting to write location
redirection to web server (Windows NT error number 16389 occurred)"
"Error","593","04/18/02","14:16:44",,"Error attempting to write location
redirection to web server (Windows NT error number 16389 occurred)"
"Error","607","04/18/02","14:17:17",,"Error attempting to write location
redirection to web server (Windows NT error number 16389 occurred)"
"Error","548","04/18/02","14:17:17",,"Error attempting to write location
redirection to web server (Windows NT error number 16389 occurred)"
"Error","659","04/18/02","14:17:17",,"Error attempting to write location
redirection to web server (Windows NT error number 16389 occurred)"
"Error","396","04/18/02","14:17:17",,"Error attempting to write location
redirection to web server (Windows NT error number 16389 occurred)"

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