        If you are on CF 5 you can use a UDF I created called urlEncrypt.  Here it
is.  For directions go to http://loathe.mine.nu, or shoot me an email.

        urlEncrypt/urlDecrypt UDF Template
        By Tim Heald ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Lee Borkman
        Version 1.0
        Filename: encryptUDF.cfm
        function urlEncrypt(queryString, key){
        // encode the string
        uue = cfusion_encrypt(queryString, key);

        // make a checksum of the endoed string
        checksum = left(hash(uue & key),2);

        // assemble the URL
                queryString = "/" & uue & checksum &"/index.htm";

                return queryString;

        function urlDecrypt(key){
        var queryString = cgi.path_info;
        var scope = "url";
        var stuff = "";

                // see if a scope is provided if it is set it otherwise set it to url
                if(arrayLen(arguments) gt 1){

                        scope = arguments[2];


                if ((right(queryString,3) neq "htm") or (findNoCase("&",queryString) 
0) or (findNoCase("=",queryString) neq 0)){

                        stuff = '<FONT color="red">not encrypted, or corrupted 

                } else {

                        // remove /index.htm
                        querystring = replace(queryString, right(queryString,10),'');

                        // remove the leading slash
                        querystring = replace(queryString, left(queryString,1),'');

                        // grab the old checksum
            if (len(querystring) GT 2) {
                oldcheck = right(querystring, 2);
                querystring = rereplace(querystring, "(.*)..", "\1");
            } else {
                oldcheck = "";

            // check the checksum
            newcheck = left(hash(querystring & key),2);
            if (newcheck NEQ oldcheck) {
                return querystring;

            //decrypt the passed value
                        queryString = cfusion_decrypt(queryString, key);

                                // set the variables
                                for(i = 0; i lt listLen(queryString, '&'); i = i + 1){

                                        // Break up the list into seprate name=value 
                                        thisPair = listGetAt(queryString, i + 1, '&');

                                        // Get the name
                                        thisName = listGetAt(thisPair, 1, '=');

                                        // Get the value
                                        thisValue = listGetAt(thisPair, 2, '=');

                                        // Set the name with the scope
                                        thisName = scope & '.' & thisName;

                                        // Set the variable
                                        setVariable(thisName, thisValue);


                return stuff;

Tim Heald
Application Development

-----Original Message-----
From: Dimple Goshar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 2:15 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: RE: Encrypting Numeric ID's


Have u tried the DE function?

The help says
"Returns its argument with double quotes wrapped around it and all double
quotes inside it escaped."


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Dowdell [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 4:59 PM
> To:   CF-Talk
> Subject:      RE: RE: Encrypting Numeric ID's
> My original question was this...
> I need to encrypt a numeric userid that gets
> passed through a url and through a form and
> is used in a query.  The urlencodedformat
> string that gets passed through the url and
> set in a form hidden field was messing up the
> page design because it had a double quote in
> it.  I was looking for a solution that would
> match all of the above requirements.
> 1.  pass through a url safely
> 2.  pass through a form safely
> 3.  be encrypted based on a key (done)
> Thanks guys,
> Jason
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 2:57 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: RE: Encrypting Numeric ID's
> I believe the original post was about how to encrypt and then escape a
> string, not just escape it. 2 functions in and then out seems necessary
> to get that done, but I'd be happy to see a shorter route.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 3:59 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: RE: Encrypting Numeric ID's
> Yes, but why bother doing all this work when htmlEditFormat() does all
> this for you?

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