The amount of degradation is not an issue in this case. The app 
has its own datasource and only runs when someone uploads files 
or images to the system. Maybe 30 a day.


= = = Original message = = =

On that note, I recall hearing that there are some performance 
issues at
stake by raising the buffer size - if so, might not be a bad 
idea to set
up multiple DSN's

Billy Cravens

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 2:37 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ToBinary error

I figured it out. It was a size issue. That graphic was 62K. 

The biggest I had tried other that that was only 12k. I had to 

Enable Retrieval of Long Text in the ODBC connection and increase 

the buffer size.

Thanks if you were attempting to find a solution to this problem.

= = = Original message = = =

I wrote an app that inserts uploaded and cfhttp download images 

into a SQL-server and from there writes the images out to all 

my mirrored servers. It works great, however, I have this one 

graphic from a partner that provieds me with weather info. The 

graphic changes every 15 min so I grab it every 15 min.
Here's the problem: That file and that file only gives me this 

error when I try to convert it to binary:

Parameter 1 of function toBinary which is now 
"/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAADreally big stringGBQgHBwcJCQ..."
must be a base64-encoded string.

Any ideas?


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