----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Watts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 8:04 AM
Subject: RE: Locking by name - is is application independant ?

> > The problem with this is that you can't just lock "part"
> > of the APPLICATION scope for example, if you want to do
> > something to only some stuff stored in the app scope you
> > need to use named locks - but if you do that you're gonna
> > have to be careful that you don't use a name that some
> > other application on the same server has used (perhaps
> > without your knowledge if on a shared server).
> I don't know how well that would work, though, since the Application scope
> is a structure - a variable - itself. I don't know enough about the
> internals of CF to say whether it would be safe to only lock access to a
> structure member, rather than to the structure itself, but personally, I'd
> avoid it.

It's a concurrency thing more than anything - if one request is setting up
the stuff in APPLICATION.CONFIGURATION I don't want anything reading the
configuration until I'm done.  But they should be perfectly entitled to read
and write to APPLICATION.LOGGEDINUSERS for example.

I see where you're gettng at though, I think it's just a little
inconvienient :-)

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