This might not help you but just off the top of my head.... If I were to
write a script to do this I might approach it like this or a rendition of
this. I don't think you can do this sort of thing with DTS but I could be
wrong. I just wrote it out so it would be easier to look at. I hope this
makes sense.

select distinct(foreign_id) from table
        cfoutput though query
                insert into new_table (id,Foreign_ID) values('IncrementingNumber',
'Whatever current foreign_ID');
                        update new_table set
                        <select value from table where foreign_ID='Whatever current 
                                cfoutput though new_query
                                /cfoutput though query
                        where foreign_ID='Whatever current foreign_ID'
        /cfoutput though query

or you could write a text file for DTS to pick up. The code below would need
to be on one line. You could write the same sort of thing in TQL to be
executed in a stored procedure.

select distinct(foreign_id) from table
Write file
        cfoutput though query
                "IncrementingNumber", "Whatever current foreign_ID"
                        <select value from table where foreign_ID='Whatever current 
                                cfoutput though new_query
                                        , "#query.value#"
                                /cfoutput though query
        /cfoutput though query
/Write file

Somebody chime in if they can see a better way.



-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Heald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 9:49 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SQL Question

Hey folks,
        I have a table like this:

id      foreign id      value
1       1               1
2       1               2
3       1               3
4       2               1
5       2               2
6       2               3

        Regular old normalized table right?  Well I need to get it into columns
like this:

foreignID       value1  value2  value3
1               1               2               3
2               1               2               3

        Now I know it is possible, but difficult.  I would do it with CF but no
matter how high I set the time out in my administrator, and my web server it
times out, or says page cannot be displayed.  It is pulling huge amounts of
data, then outputting it it an Excel spread sheet.  We tried to do it with a
DTS package and the use SQL Mail to send it, but couldn't get that to work


Tim Heald
Application Development

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