
but what about when you want to do that but have the 
people into 3 columns, basically divided by count of maxrows
i just cant do it in a group!

if i could learn how to use query of a query in this situation.
i could get rid of the 12+ separate pages i have.
that basically just do what's below here..

City - Columbus
All employee phone

City - Columbus
---Studio A
------whatever1--whatever4 -whatever7
------whatever2--whatever5 -whatever8
------whatever3--whatever6 -whatever9
------whatever1---whatever4 ---whatever7
------whatever2---whatever5 ---whatever8
------whatever3---whatever6 ---whatever9
City - Columbus
---Studio 56
------whatever1--whatever4 -whatever7
------whatever2--whatever5 -whatever8
------whatever3--whatever6 -whatever9
------whatever1---whatever4 ---whatever7
------whatever2---whatever5 ---whatever8
------whatever3---whatever6 ---whatever9

City - Columbus
---Title Partners
---Title Priciplals
---Title Senior Associates
---Title Associates

City - Seattle
All employee phone
City - Seattle
---Studio 23
------whatever1--whatever4 -whatever7
------whatever2--whatever5 -whatever8
------whatever3--whatever6 -whatever9
------whatever1---whatever4 ---whatever7
------whatever2---whatever5 ---whatever8
------whatever3---whatever6 ---whatever9
City - Seattle
---Studio 78
------whatever1--whatever4 -whatever7
------whatever2--whatever5 -whatever8
------whatever3--whatever6 -whatever9
------whatever1---whatever4 ---whatever7
------whatever2---whatever5 ---whatever8
------whatever3---whatever6 ---whatever9

City - Seattle
---Title Partners
---Title Priciplals
---Title Senior Associates
---Title Associates


-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Love [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 8:16 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: output cf to html


SELECT state, city, firstName, lastName
FROM myTable
ORDER BY state, city, firstName, lastName


<cfoutput query="myQuery" group="state">
        <cfoutput group="city">
                <cfoutput group="firstName">


this will yield the following results:


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Ihrig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 4:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: output cf to html

i think i understand that Bryan

but when i am doing a count on the records
then dividing them into say 3 
generating separate columns of data
say 3

that's where i get all messed up

i can easily out put in to 3 columns from the top down then right & down

but if i want that out put to be grouped & possibly sub grouped

say on studio name

then say title

that's when it gets so funky that i just resort to dumb
3 column looped queries that i include 20+ times in a master page!


should be easy to figure out, but i cant


-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Love [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 6:40 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: output cf to html

simple lesson in query grouping...

When you specify a group attribute like so...
<cfoutput query="myQuery" group="firstName">
do whatever
                do inner stuff

it will loop over the results and will "do whatever" every time it finds a
"firstName" that is different than the previous result.

"do inner stuff" will process all the rows that have the same "firstName" as
the previous row.


row  firstName  lastName
1.   Adam       Ant
2.   Adam       Apple
3.   Anna       Conda

for the code above, "do whatever" will happen for rows 1 and 3.  "do inner
stuff" will happen for row 2.

It is crucial that you ORDER BY whatever column you want to group by in your
SELECT query.

Bryan Love
  Macromedia Certified Professional
  Internet Application Developer
  Database Analyst
Telecommunication Systems

"...'If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have
        - Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Ihrig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 3:18 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: output cf to html

thanks guys...

i will try it a few differnt way that you suggested.

Now if i could only learn how to 
loop over my quries with a group
with QaQ??

then i think i wouldnt even need to do this

right now i have like 20 incldes a hiting the same data source many, many

just to get the output i want
very convoluted & amature...

i know..
wish i knew more.

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