I have a SQL statement that is returning a blank page.  The query is as

<CFIF IsDefined("URL.ID")>
  <CFQUERY NAME="queryname" DATASOURCE="#db#">
  SELECT contact.contact_key, progress.*
  FROM contact,progress
  WHERE contact.contact_key = progress.contact_key
  AND   contact.contact_key = #SESSION.memberID#
  ADN   contact.contact_key = #URL.ID#

<cfoutput query="queryname" Datasource=#db#>
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
<th align="left" colspan="3" bgcolor="006951">
<font color="White">
Here are the current progress tracker scores for:

<tr bgcolor="E5E5E5"><td align="right" valign="top">Planks:</td>
<td align="left" valign="top" colspan="2">
Minutes: #plank_min#<br>
Seconds: #plank_sec#<br>
<strong>Total Points for Planks: #plank_pts#</strong></td></tr></table>

At a loss, please help!!

Cecilia Jimason Shaw

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