Hi Guys,

I am having a problem with one of my session applications.

Basically, I am cutting out the cookie that is planted by 
cfapplication, in lieu of the IE6 Third-Party cookie denial by default. 
(My code is generating a part of a website for another domain.)

MY APPLICATION.CFM does the following:

<cfapplication name="theAPP"

<cflock timeout="30" throwontimeout="Yes" name="SessionLock"> 
        <cfparam name="Session.autotoken" default="?
        <cfparam name="Session.XXautotoken" 

SO, at this point, the CFID and CFTOKEN should be stored in 
session.autotoken and session.XXautotoken respectively, correct? 
(I am referencing 

Now, when the application goes into the main menu after logging in to 
the system and creating the session, I have it generate a link with the 
#XXAutoToken# embedded.

When I go to browse it on the browser, do a View Source, it shows the 
CFID as being incremented by 1 (+1).  Meaning, if my CFID in my Address 
bar in my browser is 28303, the one embedded in the page it self is 
28304.  Also, obviously, it changes the CFTOKEN.

To me, it seems to be regenerating the CFID / CFTOKEN somehow.  I am 
sure someone has seen this already, thoughts / comments would be 

Thanks in Advance,

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