Most likely it can, after looking at the source it is a very simple COM
object that doesn't return anything that CF might choke on. The key function
is the ConvertMacFile function. In that function these two lines would be
key, and they would look exactly the same in cfscript without the Set
keyword, and adding semicolons.

Set MacBin = CreateObject("Softwing.MacBinary")
 bRetVal = MacBin.ConvertFromMacBinary(File,strCurrentTempFile)

CreateObject in VBScript does the same thing as cfscript's CreateObject. The
second line is calling the ConvertFromMacBinary method with the uploaded
filename as the first argument, and a temporary filename to write out the
actual file minus the MacBinary stuff. It goes on to overwrite the original
uploaded file with the temporary file as long as the COM object didn't
return an error.
Thanks for pointing this component out, new bookmark for me...

As a side note, that has to be the most readable VBScript I have ever seen
(still sucks though :)) . Kudos to them...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lon Lentz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 12:36 PM
Subject: MacBinary Xtraction Component 1.0

>   The guys at this site: , have come up
with a C++ component for fixing MacBinary uploaded files. Being an ASP site,
they have written an ASP page for running this component. Is there a way of
running this component from CF?

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