You want to use gammadyne mailer. It is the hands down best mail software
I've ever used. The author wants a miniscule $100 for the license, and
you'll get to send out TONS of email based on addresses in your database. It
does all kinds of stuff. Really awesome software! A+++ Beats anything I've
seen before. Don't even think about using CFMAIL its a joke.

I wrote a custom tag that interfaces to gammadyne over the command line via
CFEXECUTE and it starts the gammadyne process running in a non blocking mode
from CF. You can use gammadyne's GUI interface too.

Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Innit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 4:56 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: What do you use to send out HTML NEWSLETTERS from your site

We're building an application to send out HTML email newsletters, the
application needs to integrate with our SQL database for personalization
and needs to support HTML templates  for each newsletter, as the basic
format and layout of each email stays the same and we just replace the
content which consists of text.

We've tried using the CF_HTMLAREA and CF_ActivEdit tags as WYSIWYG editors
for entering the text into the templates but have found that this bloats up
the HTML and it ends up large and clunky - not really good for email!!.
We're also having problems getting the text to display properly, word
wraps, line spacing etc.

This effort is getting frustrating.

There must be a ton of ways to effectively send out and manage hi quality
HTML emails from our site (I get tons of well composed spam every day) and
it seems like we're trying to reinvent the wheel when the garage is just
next door!!

Can anyone help in recommending a good product or service or source code or
even just an idea or suggestion.

Thanks for your time.

"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

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