> Down here
> tHE First query result is 267
> tHE Second query result is 211
> The Thirth and four query result is empty.
> My question is whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???
> Thanks friends in advance and forgive my desperate state.
> regards Mario

Breaking this down

The first returns more than the second because it's an OUTER JOIN -
therefore all records in EbethCustRpt3 that don't have entries in
tblUsers will be included, while the INNER JOIN will only return records
that are in both

As for three and four, that's because you're using EXISTS wrongly, it
returns TRUE or FALSE, not a query...
SELECT     tblUsers.nameFirst,
FROM          tblUsers

Returns any results, then EXISTS returns true, you're using NOT EXISTS,
so you might as well put
SELECT     nameFirst, nameLast
FROM         EbethCustRpt3

Not to mention that the third query, the SELECT is referring to a table
that isn't in the FROM - if you're only using one table, don't put the
table name in front of the field names

What you might want to try is;
SELECT     nameFirst, nameLast
FROM         EbethCustRpt3
WHERE     nameFirst + ' ' + nameLast in
                (SELECT nameFirst + ' ' + nameLast
             FROM tblUsers)

Although that might return some entries which are slightly wrong, so
changing the ' ' to something like '-+-+-' or similar to stop similar
names coming through

Philip Arnold
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