ASP does not provide a "Group By" equivalent to what is available in CF.
You'll need to either build a VBScript function to do this or build it each
time, storing the last value of the "Grouped" attribute and executing a
sequence of code when it changes.  Then your query would ORDER BY your
grouped fields.

As Phil mentioned, the GROUP BY clause in a SQL statement is meant for use
with aggregate functions... for example, if you wanted a total of all the
votes cast for a person your sql might look like this:

select count(vote_id) as vote_count, choice
from votes
group by choice
order by choice

Hope this helps point you in the right direction.


-----Original Message-----
Hi list,
I want to do a GROUP BY statement in
an ASP-Page.
In CF I can do something like:
<cfoutput query="foo1" group="foo2">

When I try to do this in ASP included in the SQL-statement
I get an aggregate function error.
(unfortunately in german, so it doesn't make sense to post).

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