
I am having a little trouble constructing this query
because I need a count of a " distinct composite
column combo - Date and CMid"..for example..here is
the table and the columns in it:
Date    CMid   value   rate
-----  ------  ------ ------
02/02    1       3      6
02/02    1       8      2
02/02    2       6      9
02/02    3       5      5
02/02    3       1      2
05/02    3       1      5

so the count for the above table should be 4...and the
SELECT stmt needs to look something like the one below
as it is part of a Union stmt...

SELECT Count(*) AS Totals, 'Monthly Contacts' AS
emp.FirstName, emp.LastName
FROM  CMMonthlyContact co, Employee emp
WHERE co.dDateStamp >= '#variables.dBeginDate#'
AND   co.dDateStamp <= '#variables.dEndDate#'
AND   co.vUserStamp  IN ('#variables.DataEntryEmp#')
AND   emp.iEmpID IN ('#variables.DataEntryEmp#') 

Any ideas?


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