Anybody else see these kind of errors?
We've been getting them every day and not sure what the reason is.  The always occur 
in clusters of errors where multiple errors very similar to each other occur.  Like 
this instance...

I first get this error:

Diagnostics: Oracle Error Code = 0Timeout while obtaining an Oracle statement lock The 
error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFQUERY), 
occupying document position (66:2) to (66:61).

Template: /webtest/latticesemi/web/account/_download.cfm

Then I get 2 errors like this, seconds apart:

Diagnostics: Oracle Error Code = 0Timeout while obtaining an Oracle statement lock The 
error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFQUERY), 
occupying document position (33:2) to (33:56).

Template: /webtest/latticesemi/web/Application.cfm

All 3 errors are from different remote IP addresses.  It would appear 3 simultaneous 
users are conflicting with each other.

Any suggestions on what to check, where to look?

Bruce Holm - Web Programmer
Lattice Semiconductor Corp.

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