Dave's comment about the application-centric/document-centric
distinction is useful in looking at frames here.

Point taken about people being able to bookmark pages inside a
password-protected site. I guess it's pretty straightforward to hold the
initial request URL and pass it through the login form. But frames
should be no obstacle in the CF application framework - if you're
directing to a specific page *after* they enter their login details,
should be pretty easy to load the main frame with the requested page
once they login.

For the record, as well, IFRAMEs are a W3C standard and are supported
now in Mozilla/NS6+ as well as IE. Hoorah!

- Gyrus

work: http://www.tengai.co.uk
play: http://www.norlonto.net
- PGP key available

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shawn Grover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 6:00 PM
Subject: Frames Usage (was RE: Impending session timeout warning

While I agree that traditional frames have their limits, they also have
their uses.  The key is to carefully consider their use.  On one hand
allow you to quickly and easily create navigation structures that make
without spending time/sweat to develop a similar system without frames.
the otherhand, they can be somewhat troublesome to use properly.
line is that each developer has to make their own judgement on
when/where to
use frames.

One thing I hate about frames, but understand it and can work around it,
the refresh problem.  If I'm developing a page, and that page is
within a frame, I have to remember to right click the frame, then do a
refresh from the context menu.  Doing an F5 or CTRL-R refreshes the
frame, which forces me to navigate back to the page in question.

>>- You cannot bookmark an individual page
>>Good! People should always enter the site through the login page.

The security system I typically use prevents users from viewing
pages without loging in - but it doesn't force them to always start at
login page and then navigate to the page in question.  They can bookmark
particular pages (when I'm not using frames), and the page will still be
secure. (I think this is pretty basic, but if anyone wants to know how,
contact me off list).

If I don't need to worry about Netscape, then IFrames are VERY useful to
provide updates and such without having to reload an entire page.

My thoughts.

Shawn Grover

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