Hello, this is my millionth question this week.

I am trying to validate a user with a root application (CFAPPLICATION
then I want to store the permissions I got from the LDAP table and
switch contexts depending on which 
departmental link the user clicked on, (CFAPPLICATION NAME="ASSET
I want to be able to access the variables I stored earlier.

So far I tried 
Client Variables- ( Do not span across CFAPPLICATIONs)
Copying Session from one CFAPP. to anouther with REQUEST Scope ( no way
to get them from one department to anougther)

I though CFCOOKIE would be my Holy Grail because  (I thought) they would
be specific to one user, and span CFAPPLICATIONS.
        Even better they expire when the Browser closes.

(beats head against wall)
Unfortunatly when I do the following (pseudocode)


<CFCOOKIE NAME=permissions VALUE="x,y,z">


It outputs "NO"


Is there anything specific to a user but spans CFAPPLICATION?


-----Original Message-----
From: Thane Sherrington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 2:23 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Session vs URL variables

I've been encrypting my URL variables before passing them but I was 
wondering if I'd be better off simply using a Session variable to handle

most of my variables and only hand off one or two URL variables.  That
I could avoid the encryption.

Which is the better approach?


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