This is still a continuation from a previous post . I found a script that changes the text of the <div by clicking on a <a href. Is there a way to automatically have the <a href run at the end of the <cfexecute process?
.. <head> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> function writetoLyr(name, message) { if (document.layers) { document.layers[name].document.close(); document.layers[name].document.write(message); document.layers[name].document.close(); } else { if (document.all) { eval("document.all." + name + ".innerHTML='" + message + "'"); } else { document.getElementById(name).innerHTML = message; } } } </script> </head> <div id="TestLayer"> <p align="center" style="Arial" size="+1"><font color="#ffffff">Work in progress...</font></p> </div> <cfexecute ... outputfile=".... timeOut="1000"> </cfexecute> <cffile action="READ" file=".... variable="results"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr align="center"> <td> <input type="button" value="Close" class="navlinks" onClick="location.href='blank.cfm'"> </td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td> <table cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="wdirlinks"> #replace(results,chr(10),"<br>","all")# </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <center> <a href="javascript:;" onClick="writetoLyr('TestLayer', '<p align=center style=Arial size=+1><font color=white>Done.</font></p>')">Text</a> </center> ______________________________________________________________________ This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for dependable ColdFusion Hosting. FAQ: Archives: Unsubscribe: