

Matthew Walker 
        Easier, smarter forms:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Timothy Heald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, 14 June 2002 4:04 p.m.
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Slashdot/cfc
> Ok,
>       Now this is bothering me.  How is it that I have 
> isDefined wrapped around
> each section of this code, but it still is saying that 
> slashDot is undefined
> in application?  I am trying to make it first see if the 
> struct exists, if
> it does, see how old it is.  If it is older than 30 minutes, 
> execute the web
> service and get the latest feed.  See anything glaring in the 
> code below?
> Tim
> <CFAPPLICATION name="slashDotFeed" clientmanagement="Yes"
> sessionmanagement="Yes" setclientcookies="Yes" setdomaincookies="Yes">
> <CFLOCK scope="APPLICATION" timeout="30">
>       <CFIF not isDefined(application.slashDot)>
>               <!--- create the structure since it doesn't 
> exist right now --->
>               <CFSET application.slashDot = structNew()>
>               <!--- add the timestamp, but make it over 
> thirty seconds old so you will
> pull the xml --->
>               <CFSET application.slashDot.timeStam = 
> dateAdd("n", -31, now())>
>               <CFINCLUDE template="slashDot.cfm">"
>       <CFELSE>
>       <!--- now check for the xmlObject to be older than 30 
> minutes --->
>       <CFIF dateDiff("n", now(), 
> application.slashDot.timestamp) gt 30>
>               <!--- invoke the web service to get the xml object --->
>               <cfinvoke
> webservice="http://webservices.isitedesign.com/ws/slashdotnews
> .cfc?wsdl"
>                                       method="getXMLNews"
>                                       returnvariable="xmlObject"
>               >
>               <!--- parse the xmlObject into the application 
> scope to be reused for half
> an hour --->
>               <CFSET application.slashDot.xmlObject = 
> xmlParse(xmlObject)>
>       </CFIF>
>       <CFIF isDefined(application.slashDot)>
>               <CFSET xmlObject = application.slashDot.xmlObject>
>       </CFIF>
>       </CFIF>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Timothy Heald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 10:39 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Slashdot/cfc
> Yes,
>       There is a web service to pull titles, links and images 
> from.  You can
> access it from:
> http://webservices.isitedesign.com/ws/slashdotnews.cfc?wsdl
>       Now it returns an XML object.  So I think I would 
> create structure, in the
> application scope. One key would contain the XML object, the 
> other would
> contain a timestamp from the last time you received the xml 
> feed from the
> web service.  Something like this in your Application.cfm 
> should do the
> trick I think.  Make sure it's below the cfapplication tag or 
> it won't run.
> <CFLOCK scope="APPLICATION" timeout="30">
>       <CFIF not isDefined(application.slashDot.xmlObject)>
>               <!--- create the structure since it doesn't 
> exist right now --->
>               <CFSET application.slashDot = structNew()>
>               <!--- add the timestamp, but make it over 
> thirty seconds old so you will
> pull the xml --->
>               <CFSET application.slashDot.timeStam = 
> dateAdd("n", -31, now())>
>       </CFIF>
>       <!--- now check for the xmlObject to be older than 30 
> minutes --->
>       <CFIF dateDiff("n", now(), 
> application.slashDot.timestamp) gt 30>
>               <!--- invoke the web service to get the xml object --->
>               <cfinvoke
> webservice="http://webservices.isitedesign.com/ws/slashdotnews
> .cfc?wsdl"
>                                       method="getXMLNews"
>                                       returnvariable="xmlObject"
>               >
>               <!--- parse the xmlObject into the application 
> scope to be reused for half
> an hour --->
>               <CFSET application.slashDot.xmlObject = 
> xmlParse(xmlObject)>
>       </CFIF>
> Be aware I have not tested this.  There may be mistakes (as 
> you well know
> Crit).
> See you tomorrow :)
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Paul Ashenfelter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 9:41 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Slashdot/cfc
> I think I missed something... do they have a *web service* 
> you can interact
> with (like th Google Web Service API)? All I see is an XML 
> (and of course
> the RDF) file that you can grab, parse/transform, and format. 
> That's great,
> but its not a CFC (which is no surprise since /. is Perl).
> Doesn't change the question much ("How do I get my headlines 
> updated") but
> wanted to see if there's actually a web service access to /. 
> I'm missing :)
> Regards,
> John Paul Ashenfelter
> CTO/TransitionPoint
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Critz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 7:16 PM
> Subject: Slashdot/cfc
> > oi chatters
> >
> >
> > SlashDot has a cfc that you can use, but on their faq they request
> > that their xml file be hit only once every 30 minutes. So what would
> > be a decent way to go about it?
> >
> > I was thinking cfhttp'ing the cfc, writing to a file. (if it's not
> > there) then checking the date modified on that file, if it's greater
> > than 30. grab fresh copy?? then handle parsing from the local file?
> >
> > any other suggestions?
> >
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Critter, MMCP
> > Certified ColdFusion Developer
> >
> > Crit[s2k] - <CF_ChannelOp Network="EFNet" Channel="ColdFusion">
> >
> >
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