It seems the belief at MM is that everyone who has used CF since, say like
myself, version 1 are commited by default to upgrade to the MX family of
products. ColdFusion MX has problems and in my opinion the decision to
discontinue development of HomeSite/ColdFusion Studio in its current form is
not a good idea. There must be many thousands of code writers - who may have
tried MM's poor attempt at code writing with Dreamweaver MX - who will stick
with Studio 5. Strewth! (Aussie slang) it took years to get a decent code
development/maintenance tool like Studio/HomeSite 5! Dreamweaver is going
down the Microsoft (nee Vermeer) FrontPage path and screwing up a toll that
has an honest and well respected pedigree of solutions delivered by
ColdFusion developers world-wide without the added flab of an expensive
replacement like Dreamweaver (any version including MX).

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