To Paul Hastings (and other that may help),

I found out that my problem is related to the fact that I use
MySQL. When I use MS-Access as the backend everthing seems to work
fine. I made a simple insert-form and took care of the encoding in
the head of the page. The data gets correctly inserted when submitting
the form with MX (as far as I can trust my query tool) but it's not
getting display properly when outputting it to screen with MX...?

Now is this an CFMX-issue or an MySQL-thing??

Hope you or someone else from the list can point me to a solution.



PS> Hi CF-Talkers,

PS> does anyone of know how to retrieve and properly display foreign characters (in 
this case
PS> german ones) from an existing MySQL-Datasource with CFMX. My app
PS> worked with CF5 but now it renders some glyphs where those extended
PS> characters should appear. The characters are correctly shown in the DB
PS> when the data is retrieved with any other query-tool.
PS> Btw the CFMX_Server is the english release,
PS> not the international.

PS> Hope my question is understandable

PS> Patric

Patric Stumpe

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